Xblaze for Adium 1.1.5

January 4th, 2012 Jasarien No comments

Hi guys,

I’m not dead. Yet.

A quick update for Xblaze for Adium. I just recompiled with the latest Adium source so it should work once more. Nothing else new, really.

Go grab it: https://xblaze.co.uk/blog/download/

Categories: Programming, Releases, XBlaze Tags:

Public Service Announcement: SEND ME YOUR CRASH REPORTS

December 21st, 2010 Jasarien No comments

The amount of reviews Xblaze gets on the App Store that say nothing more than “it crashes! 1 star!” is depressing.

By doing this you’re not helping anyone. Firstly, you’re deterring new users from giving the app a try. Secondly you’re not giving me anything to work with to fix the crashes.

How can I be expected to fix a crash I never see? It’s not as if I don’t test Xblaze. I use it daily and I put it through rigorous tests before I release it to the App Store. If I see a crash I fix it before releasing – so any crashes that do get through are not common and will require a detailed crash report and explanation of how the crash occurred or what you might have done to cause it.

iPhones, iPods and iTunes can help us all out here. When an app crashes, a crash log is generated. That crash log contains extremely important information about when, how and why the crash happened. The crash report is the single most important resource I can use when trying to fix a crash.

When you plug your iPhone or iPod into iTunes and sync it, you should be told that your device contains Diagnostic Data or Crash Report Data or something to that affect and will ask you if you’d like to send it to Apple. Say YES. If you say no to this question – your crashes will likely never get fixed and you’ll continue to be frustrated when using the application.

If you don’t see the message then one of two things is possible: The less likely reason is that Xblaze isn’t crashing. The more likely reason is that for whatever reason you’ve previously answered NO to sending crash reports to Apple and have told iTunes not to ask you again.

To fix this, you can right click on your iPhone or iPod in the iTunes sidebar and select “Reset Warnings”. Now when you sync if your iPod contains crash reports, you will be asked if you want to send them. Again – please say YES.

Finally, if you don’t sync your device, or haven’t updated it’s OS (regardless of whether its jailbroken or not) I can’t help you. This is a two way relationship. I give you Xblaze, you give me feedback. OK?

If you don’t send me these crash reports I will never know why the app is crashing. Think about it…

Categories: Programming, Support, Xblaze iPhone Tags:

Xblaze Helps Save a Life!

July 25th, 2010 Jasarien No comments

Today I got an email from an Xblaze user telling me how Xblaze helped save his life after a car accident!

How amazing is that?

Here’s a link to a forum thread that tells the story: Car accident story.

Categories: Xblaze iPhone Tags:

A Compromise, Perhaps? (Updated)

June 19th, 2010 Jasarien No comments

Update 4/12/10

The behaviour described in this post, if implemented in an iOS app, would result in a rejection from Apple.

Even though the described behaviour occurrs, it is a rule of the review process that all apps exit and clean up their networking sockets when the user backgrounds the app if the app is not allowed to run in the background. This means that even though Xblaze supports fast app switching, it still needs to close it’s connection to Xfire and cease any background communication.

End Update

So, after my last post about iOS4 and multitasking, I have noticed some very surprising and interesting observations about iOS4.

I’m no expert, and I’m only describing what I’ve seen actually happening, so here goes.

In normal circumstances, I expected an app that didn’t explicitly request to run in the background to become suspended and as a result,its network connections closed.

It appears that this isn’t the whole truth. In my testing when I suspended Xblaze into the background, it’s socket was not immediately closed. At first, I thought this was because the suspension hadn’t triggered Xblaze’s disconnect function, and that it would simply be disconnected when Xfire closed the connection after not receiving the keep-alive heart beat. Again, this wasn’t the case. It seemed that the connection stayed open, even after the expected period of time after which Xfire would normally close the connection.

I waited for 10 mins with Xblaze suspended in the background, sending a message to the account every minute. Sure enough, after I opened Xblaze again, bringing it back into the foreground, sly of those messages were suddenly received.

There is one caveat to this test – I had “auto lock” disabled, so my iPhone would not lock itself and go to sleep. I did notice that if I suspended Xblaze and then locked the iPhone, the connection was immediately closed.

So what’s happening here!?

My theory is that regardless of what Apple and their documentation says, it seems that while the phone is still awake and not locked, the OS will look after the socket and the connection, effectively queuing the incoming data, ready to be received when the app is brought back into the foreground.

This sounds great, right? Isn’t this multitasking?

Well no. There are a few compromises.

1. The connection is only kept alive while the iPhone is awake. As soon as the phone sleeps or is locked manually, the connection gets closed.

2. There’s still no way to notify the user that messages have arrived while Xblaze is suspended. The messages are only queued until the app is brought back into focus. As far as Xblaze is concerned, all those messages have just arrived this very second when it’s woken up.

But hey! Its not the end of the world, its better than nothing, right? At least you now have SOME way of getting messages while the app is in the background. Its better than not getting those messages at all, even if you do have to go check for them…

Xblaze and iOS 4

June 15th, 2010 Jasarien No comments

The new iPhone 4 was announced last week, and alongside it, the release date of the newly renamed iOS.

Some of you may be fortunate enough to have access to the iOS 4 beta software and may have tried out Xblaze on iOS 4. Those that have will know that it’s not exactly what one would call “stable”.

I have been testing Xblaze on iOS 4 and its going to take some work, but I hope to get a compatible update out soon.

In other news some of you have been asking how much of the new APIs Xblaze will be taking advantage of with the new release. The answer to this question isn’t as exciting as you probably hope it will be.


In April, at their unveiling of iOS4, Apple announced multitasking support for the iPhone. My initial reaction was one of relief, thinking I’d be able to escape the never ending requests for push notifications, and instead just allow Xblaze to run in the background. Unfortunately, the way Apple has implemented multitasking means that there are a number of restrictions surrounding what types of apps can use it and what those apps can do while in the background.

First of all, only VoIP, navigation and audio streaming type apps are allowed to actually run in the background. Any other type of app is ‘suspended’. Even those apps that can run in the background become very limited while there.

Suspension is when an app is literally ‘paused’ and sent to the background. The current state of the app is saved to memory. When the app is brought to the foreground it is “defrosted” and returns to the exact same state as you left it.

Apps that are allowed to run in the background will suspend most of their functionality but keep the core services that it requires running.

For instance, the popular VoIP app Skype will be able to receive calls while in the background, and close the app while a Skype call is in progress, because it keeps it’s socket connections to the Skype server open when it is sent to the background. But while its in the background all the Instant Messaging features of Skype are suspended and do not run meaning instant messaging does not work while Skype is in the background.

This was very bad news for Xblaze when I found out. I had some contacts at WWDC this year and they were able to confirm that instant messaging apps will *not* be allowed to run in the background. When you couple this with the fact that Xfire requires a constant connection to its server, kept alive by a ping of around 5 minutes, it means that Xblaze won’t even be able to take advantage of being suspended. This is because after those 5 minutes are up, Xfire closes the connection, effectively kicking you off the server, disconnecting you. When you return to the app after suspending it, you’ll find that you have been logged out and will have to reconnect, just like you do now.

The experience with Xblaze on iOS4 is likely going to be exactly the same as it is now – having to keep the app in the foreground in order to be able to send and receive messages to and from friends. And I’ll say it again – the way Xfire works just doesn’t allow a sensible way to support Push Notifications.

This saddens me in some respects and in and effort to change things I have raised a feature request with Apple and made my voice heard on the developer forums, but I fear that nothing is going to be done about it. It’s the way things are and that is that.

It puts a sour taste on something that could have been such a great feature…

Xblaze For Mac OS X 1.1.2

February 19th, 2010 Jasarien 2 comments

Just a quick bug fix. 1.1.2 fixes an issue that would cause friends that were both a friend and a clan member to fall out of the Xfire group when a new friend was added.

Categories: Releases, XBlaze Tags: ,

Xblaze for Mac OS X 1.1.1

February 11th, 2010 Jasarien No comments

Just posted up Xblaze for Mac 1.1.1.

  • Fixes the issue where friends of friends would be moved to the offline group when they stop playing instead of removed from the list.
  • Fixes the issue where offline clan members were nowhere to be seen. Offline clan members can be found in the offline group now.

Go grab it from the XBlaze for Mac OS X page.

Categories: Releases, XBlaze Tags:

About Push Notifications

February 5th, 2010 Jasarien No comments

Please read this post that I made previously:

Why Push Notifications Are Unlikely To Be Added

The long story short is:

  • It is probably against Xfire’s Terms and Conditions
  • I don’t have the resources to commit to a relay server, which includes:
    • Development time
    • Maintenance time
    • Development /maintenance costs
    • Hardware / hosting costs

For this reason I will not commit to push notifications unless a solution that overrides all above reasons appears.

Let The Releases Flow!

February 1st, 2010 Jasarien No comments

Hot on the heels of Xblaze iPhone 1.1 is Xblaze for Mac 1.1.

That’s right folks, again, I promised you that I would merge the changes I made to the Xblaze iPhone source back into the Mac version. That is now done and you can download Xblaze for Mac with clan support and less crashes than ever!

Head on over to the Xblaze for Mac OS X page and hit up the download link!

What Was Promised Shall Be Delivered

January 31st, 2010 Jasarien No comments

So last week, I promised all Xblaze iPhone users Communities (clans/guilds) support.

Those waiting will be happy to know that today I submitted Xblaze 1.1 to the App Store reviewers. Xblaze 1.1 contains the communities support that I promised, and it’s working really nicely, if I do say so myself.

I’m hoping that the update won’t get held up too long being reviewed, and that you can all get hold of it soon.

Meanwhile, check out the screenshorts of clan Xblaze’s communities support:

Xblaze iPhone Communities Support

Xblaze iPhone Communities Support

Also in this update is

  • Manage your Xfire preferences
    • Turn nicknames on and off
    • Hide/show offline friends
    • Hide/show friends of friends
    • Hide/show timestamps in chats
  • Numerous bug fixes
    • Prevent a crash when a friend logs off while you’re chatting to them
    • Corrected ability to add friends of friends or clan mates to your friend list
    • Corrected the behaviour that allowed a user to attempt to delete a Friend of Friend from the FoF group (which also prevents a crash)
  • Spruced up the Xblaze icon somewhat, looks a little flashier.

So I hope you all enjoy this eagerly anticipated update. And thank you all for your continued support for Xblaze!